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Werkout Wednesday: Inclusion Health

Get Excited!!! This week's WERKOUT WEDNESDAY is VERY special!

This week I give you a rundown of what the Inclusion Health technique is! Some of you have had a chance to attend an Inclusion event or done a class but many of you have not and are wondering, so what is it exactly? Well let me show and explain it to you!

Make sure you are following Inclusion Health on Instagram and Facebook for all the photos and videos of our werkouts. Plus a bonus pay what you can class on IG Live once a week! I also can't wait to hear your suggestions for new variations or themes. So email or DM us because we cannot wait to hear from you!

So here we go!!

Location: Anywhere

Class: Inclusion Health

Description: A yoga-fitness fusion technique that equally strengthens the mind, body and soul!

Each class or event has a theme and the music, postures, exercises, mediation and talking points all center around the theme.

  • Thought Provoking Question: The class opens with a question that when done in groups can be shared with a partner or a group to create connections and community. If done alone (in the case of the upcoming videos) the user can journal, think through the question or share through social media.

  • Yoga-Fitness Fusion: Combining vinyasa flow yoga with body resistance strength training and cardio for a well balanced physical workout,

  • Meditation: The class concludes with a theme driven meditation that helps the user let go of unwanted thoughts and to manifest and stimulate positive change and acceptance.

Level: Any! The goal for any Inclusion class is to be...well...inclusive. Obviously. :) So the classes are designed to level up or down based on your skill level. There are options to make the movements a bit easier for beginners or someone with an injury and ways to increase the difficulty for more advanced students or as someone becomes stronger and more comfortable.

Geared Towards: People who want more from their workout than just a workout. For people who want to increase and improve their mentally clarity, emotional stability, happiness and abundance in their life. This is a come as you are, judgement free, accepting place where no matter where you come from, what you look like or what you're going through, you are accepted and included. Everyone is welcome. That is the number one priority.

What I Loved: Now I will try my best not to be biased and only honest here. Inclusion Health is created and ever evolving as a fusion of all things health related that I've grown to love over the years. I love to sweat, tone, stretch, clear my mind, elevate my mood, interact with other people and to look beyond myself to create a better world. Inclusion Health is the combination of all these things that I believe they're important to many other people out there. It brings together diverse wellness backgrounds, life experiences and knowledge and fuses it into one place.

What I Would Improve: That our community and workouts included YOU (if they don't already)! We firmly believe that EVERYONE has something to bring to the Inclusion community and we want you to be a part of it!

The Studio: For the public events rented venues, virtual classes or outdoor spaces are all used. Inclusion can go anywhere! For private events it ranges from office buildings, company retreat spaces and personal residences. As for our VIDEO SERIES...anywhere, anytime! Your bedroom, the conference room at work, the empty gym area, your hotel, the beach, your dorm room, the park...if you go there you can create your own Inclusion Health event...and invite others to join you too!

How to Access: See our available OFFERINGS for private classes you might be interested in and keep an eye out for upcoming public events. Any of those can be done in person or virtually. And if you want to do Inclusion classes on a regular basis grab our VIDEO SERIES or follow us on Instagram for weekly donation based classes.

Now head on over to our Instagram and Facebook pages for more information. Can't wait to workout with you soon!

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